While the concept of a super-soldier might seem fascinating from the outside, it isn’t a concept of theories anymore! Movies like Captain America have already given us the basic outline of what qualities a super-soldier would comprise, but in reality, it’s a tiny drop we know in the vast sea of possibilities. But is it possible to create super soldiers and not just cyborgs?

Well, it’s entirely possible to create super soldiers with advanced biological techniques like genome editing tools CRISPR, blood doping, synthetic blood, exoskeletons, and man-machine combinations. With such advanced methods, it comes as no surprise that the world could soon see real-life super soldiers winning battlefields with no pain, regrets, or compassion.

But the major question amid the debate is not whether we could make super soldiers or not its whether or not we should?

China is trying to make its own version of super soldiers and had already started human testing; a top US official has suggested. However, China denied such allegations, the possibility of super soldiers is not so outlandish, especially for China. China under their leader for life Xi Xinping seems more acceptable to human experiments than any other country and what’s better than becoming a superpower, in terms of warfare?

Here are a few ways through which science can make real-life super-soldiers!

The human body is designed for a rigorous lifestyle and many people in the world live life the hard way. But there are still conditions where humans fade to survive like extremely cold weather, warzones, or pain endurance. And here comes science, an engineered blood design for artificial red blood cells could very literally give future super-soldiers a significant start! These artificial RBCs can offer humans the ability to hold their breath for a long time or great cardiovascular endurance. The artificial RBC is known as respirocytes, which boast the human capacity to absorb and release oxygen. This directly means that humans could do tasks much more smoothly than nature could permit.

Super Soldiers

Then comes improvised vision. Recently, the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester, MA trained a mouse to navigate through a maze following the signs they made. This experiment was conducted with the lights off, and due to obvious reasons, the mouse was unable to navigate its way. Then the scientists injected nanoparticles in mice that convert infrared lights to visible light directly into their eyeballs. This ability stayed in mice for 10 weeks and showed no side effects especially negative. If by some means, this nanotechnology becomes fit for human injection, then it could possibly give humans the ability to look in dark and fight their way out.

Can we have real-life Charles Xavier? Well, yesterday I could have never imagined telekinesis in real life, an organization called DARPA certainly changed my views. DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is already experimenting with helmets that would allow for mind talks. The user’s pre-speech brainwaves are converted into transmittable data in their headset. The recipient’s system would receive and translate that data into audible or visual cues in the recipient’s headset.  

Now just imagine, if even mind reading is possibly what else can’t be? This new technology would allow people to connect with each other without actually uttering a word from their mouth meaning even on battlefields soldiers could talk to each other, make plans without awaking the enemies. With all the above technologies, super-soldiers can win the greatest tragedies like wars in a minute.

But what if, these technologies fail? Science always has a possibility to fail and it’s not guaranteed that all the above interruptions in human’s natural cycle wouldn’t cause any side effects. Thus, here comes exoskeletons- a technology that does not require the man-machine combination. Yet, however easy it seems to develop a program of the exoskeleton in reality it’s tougher than using a biological approach.

To date, many organizations across the world have tried programs comprising exoskeletons, yet none seems to have succeeded yet. Though many have successfully designed a fine system to create an armored exoskeleton, the only problem is battery storage. When soldiers take a mission, it usually takes months to complete in conditions where there are no livelihood circumstances and every machine needs a charge up to work. If such exoskeletons drain out of battery on the battlefield, it will not only provide an advantage to the enemy but also a threat to the people using it.

So, you see it’s not entirely impossible for humans to produce super soldiers and it does not come as a shock to me if I see any super-soldier out in action!

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