A young boy from Russia left the scientists puzzled when he claimed to be from Mars. Today the whereabouts of the young man remains hidden; however, his claim to be an ex-Martian is still a subject of mystery. Boriska Kipriyanovich of Volgograd, Russia, claims that he is reborn for a special mission to save humanity.
Here’s everything you need to know about Boriska Kipriyanovich
Boriska Kipriyanovich was born in 1996 Russia and is allegedly genius since childhood. His parents claimed that he started speaking when he was just a few months old and discussed subjects that they never taught him like aliens and space. According to them, he would talk about things like Mars, the planetary systems, and alien civilizations. By the age of two, he was able to read, write and even draw which is nearly impossible for a normal child of the same age.
His mother who herself is a doctor said that she first recognized him as a special child when he was able to lift his head without any support just weeks after he was born. Boriska’s teachers too say that he had extraordinary writing and learning skills. According to Boriska’s parents, they never taught him anything about space or planets however he would often come up and talk about them especially the red planet. And as his fascination grew Boriska claimed that he is actually from Mars. Media portals suggest that the boy has an impressive knowledge of planetary systems and space. According to media sources, Boriska has an IQ of 200.
According to Boriska, he lived on a war-ravaged Mars, and his race of Martians was completely wiped out following a nuclear conflict thousands of years ago. He said that he has been reborn on earth for a special mission of saving humanity from nuclear power. He fears that just like his planet, humanity too could be wiped out for their misuse of nuclear energies. He also says that Martians were immortal and stop aging after 35 years. They were practically more technologically advanced and capable of conducting interstellar travel.
Additionally, he says that he is not the only child from outer space and several other children just like him are sent on earth for a special mission. According to science, such special children are called Indigo children. According to Boriska, there are indeed few Martian survivors who continue to live on Mars and built new shelters and weapons. He remembers that he was just 14 or 15 years old when Martians were waging wars, hence, he would often participate in air raids along with his friends.
He also believes that he visited Earth while working as a pilot on Mars and Martians had a strong connection to the ancient Egyptians on Earth and all the unsolved questions of science could be discovered inside Egypt’s pyramids. Researchers have described Boriska as an extremely shy young man with above-average intelligence.
Along with his astonishing claims, Boriska also shed light on the mechanism behind the Great Sphinx of Giza’s ear will unlock the monument and change life on Earth.
Who are indigo children?
According to the pseudoscientific New Age concept, Indigo children are those kids who are believed to possess special, unique, and supernatural abilities. The idea is based on concepts developed in the 1970s by Nancy Ann Tappe and further developed by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober. Along with Boriska, several other kids are considered as the Indigo children. One of them is Oliver Banks who believes to see the dead people.
Such children are freethinkers with the profound insight of seeing human capacity at its best. Unique as they are, these children are often misunderstood, rejected, or misdiagnosed and medicated. They are mostly empathetic, curious, and strong-willed. They certainly do not fall under the category of ‘special needs’ in fact they have brains more than the kids of the same age, though some people also refer to them as ‘Divine children’.