The Einstein theory of relativity explains a lot about how we measure time and the way to distinguish between the past present and future. Einstein describes time as a part of three dimensions, space, forming a bendy, and the space-time continuum also known as the Block universe. This block universe encompasses all three dimensions altogether i.e. past present and future. From our past to the future everything is predefined and the initial condition of the cosmos decides what comes later and that there aren’t any surprises. Thus the more time passed it creates more information. But what happens when this sequence is broken? And most importantly can we really travel through time?
Has anyone ever traveled through time?
While it’s common to travel through time proved by Einstein Theory of relativity, it’s impossible to travel back in time. While travelling forward in time does need a lot of properties to correctly intersect with one another. But what if we tell you it’s already been done? Sergei Krikalev, a speed cosmonaut traveled to space with a total time spent in the orbit of 803 days, 9 hours, and 39 seconds, he had actually time-traveled into the future by 0.02 seconds through Time dilation. Time dilation is a phenomenon that is caused by the difference between gravity and relative velocity. When satellites orbit the earth, people inside are away from the earth’s gravitational force as that of the people living on the surface, thus people in space experience time dilation which means that the astronauts’ time moves a bit faster than the rest of us. And so the time travel! As explained by Albert Michelson and Edward Morley in 1887, the speed of light moving with earth will be faster and the light moving opposite to earth will be slower.
The concept of intentional time travel
Although humans cannot hop back in time, we do time travel a lot. For instance, we travel from one birthday to another through time at a constant speed. The set of changes in the event in a circular manner tells us that we are not stable at a single point. We time travel in our sleep! It’s even more interesting to know that though we cannot go back in time, we can always look back! The stars, for example, the stars we see today might not exist at the present, but because the speed of light is constant it traveled through a certain time to reach us now. That means the stars we observe today might in reality be a black holes instead. Bet you haven’t thought this way?
The only problem with the human consciousness is that we do make things dramatic. The concept of time travel in us says that it is only possible to travel time when we travel it in less than one second. Physicist Stephen Hawking pointed out in his book “Black Holes and Baby Universes” that if an object travels through time faster than a second it would be destroyed. This type of time travel only happens in movies, that a character hops into a machine that blasts back and forth in time. When in reality this time of push is not possible yet and scientist does suggest that consequences would be unknown. Understand this by Grandfather Paradox, according to Grandfather Paradox if you travel back in time, the events in the future will change. For example, you didn’t like your grandfather and wanted to kill him, thus you traveled back in time. If you manage to successfully kill your grandfather in the past, the possibility is you won’t exist in the future. Because your grandfather died, he didn’t marry your grandmother and so your father isn’t born and thus you too lost your existence. Suggest, that you go back and kill your grandfather after your dad was born; it means that your condition in the future would change dramatically. To conclude, according to this paradox, whatever happens in the past will set the course of the future.

A principle developed by Russian physicist Igor Dmitriyevich Novikov’s ‘Novikov self-consistency principle’, he exerts that if an event causes paradox or change in the past then the probability of that event is Zero. And so it is impossible to create time paradoxes. His theory became famous but later was disregarded by several scientists.
Do you know about Cryopreservation?
Cryopreservation is the method of keeping the live cells, tissues, and other biological samples in a deep freeze at −196°C temperatures for storage or preservation. At such a low temperature usually, all the living cells die but through cryopreservation, we can save them from thawing. Thus the living cells could be revived in the future. Though it’s a weird way of traveling through time! It doesn’t make some sense. It’s a time-tested strategy that people think could be used to travel into the future.
Can we Time travel through a wormhole?
Though travel back in time isn’t possible yet, that doesn’t mean it won’t be possible ever. One time theory that scientists do suggest is a way through traveling time with the help of a black hole. Like the one, we saw in several sci-fi movies, though not in an exact manner. Because the time inside a black hole moves differently than us, it could possibly make us travel through time. According to this theory, if you place a warm hole at one point and another at a second point, you could travel from point A to B at a different time by using a particle accelerator- most probably the photons. A particle accelerator is a machine that uses electromagnetic fields to propel charged particles to very high speeds and energies and to contain them in well-defined beams. Traveling to an arbitrary point in space-time has very limited support in theoretical physics, and is usually connected only with quantum mechanics or wormholes. Time travel through a wormhole is just a theoretical approach and no one confirms that whether it would work or not.
Thus time travel in the future does seem to work theoretically, but traveling back in time is yet not proven.

What is a black hole paradox?
The black hole information paradox is one of the most famous paradoxes in the field of Physics. Proposed by Stephen Hawking, it is a puzzle resulting from the combination of quantum mechanics and general relativity. Scientists suggest that the information we perceive for any object comes from our visual information, but that doesn’t mean that information is complete or correct. For instance, when we see a ball- the information we receive is that it is round in shape, but the quantum properties inside the ball might not be as round as we see it like its speed, velocity, and spin. This is called quantum information.
In a vital law of physics, the quantum properties of every object in the universe must be conserved. According to this law, even if an object is destroyed, its quantum information is never gone, and based on that information we can still study and recreate that object. But when we talk about the black hole information paradox, this theory gets shaken. Experts say that when an object enters a black hole, it is instantly destroyed along with its quantum information, and that destroyed information must be stored somewhere inside the black hole- probably its layer. This is known as an event horizon. Probably the more the information is stored the more the black hole grows in mass. But black holes too vanish with time. This is where Stephen Hawking makes an entrance. In 1974, he discovered that a black hole with time evaporates. Its outer layer ultimately evaporates with time though it takes an extremely long period. And by this, the quantum information too- gets erased. But many scientists still believe that this information is not erased but remains somewhere in our universe- far from our eyes.
This paradox helps us explain, that time traveling using a wormhole isn’t as simple as it seems and nobody knows what happens when one enters inside the wormhole. If we somehow manage to locate that lost information, we also might be able to discover a way by which we can safely travel inside a black hole.